Covid 19 Update–Doubles and Group Coaching


Restricted Doubles and Group Coaching Now Allowed

Following the changes to the ‘Play Safe Guidelines’ from the LTA, produced in line with the Government announcement on the further easing of lockdown restrictions, the Tennis Committee has now reviewed the changes and the associated risks to the Club and its members and have decided, with restrictions, to allow Doubles play and Group Coaching commencing this Wednesday 3rd June, 2020 and Junior Group Coaching commencing Monday 8th June.  As a club we have elected to be more cautious and not fully implement all the changes.  Below are some of the key changes and guidelines but also please reference our previous e-mail of 15th May, 2020.

  • Singles and Doubles play with different households is now allowed.
  • Group Coaching of up to 6 people, including the coach, is now allowed. Junior coaching will resume but not currently for red group (under 8’s) but we may consider in future.
  • Courts must be booked as per previous guidance.
  • Social Tennis is not allowed but arranged fixed fours is allowed.
  • Equipment sharing, such as racquets, is not recommended. Even when using your own racquet, it is recommended to clean it after use.
  • Continue to use your own clearly marked tennis balls as before.
  • Use sanitiser to clean hands before and after play and after touching shared surfaces such as gates.
  • Maintain social distancing of 2 metres at all times. 
  • Where attendance of a Parent/Guardian/Carer is required, this is allowed and not counted as part of the 6 people in group coaching. However, they should be off court and limited to one per player where possible, with social distancing strictly observed while watching the sessions.
  • Anyone with symptoms to self-isolate must follow the Government’s ‘test and trace’ guidelines, which can be read on the website.
  • Clubhouse and Summerhouse will remain closed.
  • Toilet access will be provided for juniors only with access managed by coaches who will also ensure toilets are clean after use and the facilities locked. This is in the process of being set up with the Church.

Additional Guidance for Playing Doubles

  • Maintain social distance between two players especially when the ball is in the centre of the court.
  • Tennis Balls – guidance says no need to use clearly marked balls but emphasis on using sanitiser before and after play. Our recommendation is that players continue to use their own marked balls and use these when they are serving such that only 4 balls (of the person serving) are on court at one time. Also, only pick your own marked tennis balls.

Please take time to read the updated LTA guidelines for Tennis Players.–advice-for-tennis-players/


  • If you have been playing tennis at the club in May/June then you should have already renewed your membership. An email was sent around the middle of May with all the information on how to do this.
  • The children of parental category members who play tennis at the club must be junior members of the club.
  • Some people will wish to renew their membership now that doubles play is allowed. For those members who have not renewed yet, we will send a final membership renewal email in the next few days. If you wish to renew your membership can you please do this by Friday 12th June. If you do not receive an email by the weekend, can you contact Clive Garrod Membership Secretary at
  • It will be possible to renew your membership anytime in the future but you will need to send Clive Garrod an email asking for the pro rata subscription.
  • If you do not wish to renew then it would be helpful to let Clive Garrod know so that we can unsubscribe you from emails.

Junior Membership

  • There will be separate e-mail from Christian and Jo Allen which will be sent to all parents of junior members. This will outline the guidelines for junior coaching and junior play and how to renew membership.

We hope that the further easing of restrictions will now allow more of our members to enjoy playing tennis, but as always, at your own risk.

Stay safe and enjoy playing tennis as per the restricted guidelines.

On Behalf of The Committee

Ian Gunn (Chairman)

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